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Department of Testing Technology and Instruments

作者: 时间:2023-02-20 点击数:

Training objectives: The aim of this major is to provide students a foundation study of industrial measurement and automation theory & techniques. Encourage students to apply the technology of modern electronic measurement, control engineering, computer application, network communication and opto-electronic engineering into to the real market. Graduates are expected to be integrated senior engineers with capable for electrical automation and intelligent instrument in modern large and medium-size enterprises.    




Major courses: Circuit Principle, Basic of Electronic Technology, Principles of Computer and Application, Signal Analysis and Processing, Detection Theory, Automatic Control Theory, Fundamentals of Sensors, Process Control Instrument, Process Control System and Design, Automatic Measurement Technique and Instrument, Embedded System and Application, Design of Intelligent Instrument, Engineering Optics, Network Communication Technology, Fieldbus Control System, Computer Control System, etc.  



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